You might also be interested in these other organizations:
Trenton, N.J. -- Stop The Planned Expansion Of Trenton Airport
Huntington Beach, CA. -- Help reduce aircraft noise in Huntington Beach, Califorina, and neighboring communities
Sky Posse Palo Alto -- Help reduce aircraft noise over Palo Alto and neighboring communities
NoPlanes.US -- LaGuna Niguel, Southern California -- Blog about aircraft noise and pollution affecting New Yorkers and the surrounding communities.
Aviation Impact Reform -- Former FAA air traffic controller with deep knowledge of NextGen explains alternatives (he is also an ATC whistleblower with an interesting story showing deep FAA corruption).
ProspectParkQuietSkies.Org -- Brooklyn and surrounding areas impacted by heavy JFK and LGA airport noise.
Our Skies National Coalition -- National coalition comprised of U.S. advocacy groups.
FAIR Chicago -- Chicagoan's fight to restore quieter skies over their homes and their battle with O'Hare's deafening air traffic.
NJCAAN -- information on New Jersey Aircraft Noise and Pollution
Quieter Skies Task Force Seattle -- information on the Quieter Skies network in Seattle
BRRAM -- Bucks Residents For Responsible Airport Management (BRRAM)
Montgomery County Quiet Skies Coalition - located in Montgomery County, Maryland and affected by Reagan National Airport (DCA)
CAAN -- Citizens for the Abatement of Aircraft Noise (based in the Washington, D.C. area)
Los Angeles:
Charlotte, NC:
Ealing Aircraft Noise Action Group:
No Aircraft Noise:
Toronto Aviation Noise Group (T.A.N.G.):
Organizing Community-Based Groups to Reduce Airport:
Americans against aviation impacts:
West Calgary Air Traffic Concerns: